You may have many questions if you’re preparing for hospital visit, or if you’re considering the procedure. We have answers. Here are some of our frequently asked questions with answers.

Q: Where is Nakasero Hospital Located?

A: Nakasero Hospital is located on Akii Bua Road Plot 14, below the Nakasero Blood Bank. It is also a few meters from Fairway Hotel.

Q: When is Immunization done?

A: Immunisation is done everyday of the week except Sunday from 10am to 6pm. For large groups, we are able to arrange and carry our immunisation at your premises for a fee.  On all these days immunization is carried out at the Nakasero Hospital Annex situated opposite the external hospital car park.

Q: Is Annex open on Sundays and Public Holidays?

A: Annex is open Monday to Sunday and is also open on Public Holidays.

Q:What vaccines are paid for by the government?

A: Measles Vaccine, DPT ,Hepatitis B, Hemophellus Influenza vaccine, Polio vaccine, Vitamin A and de-wormers. Any vaccines outside these are not issued to us by the government, and are therefore paid for privately.

Q: Do you have maternity packages for both normal delivery and ceasarean section

A: Yes, we have maternity packages for both normal delivery and Ceasarean section. Rates differ depending on whether you  shall be seeing an In-house Specialist doctor or Consultant doctor. Please note, rates for cash paying clients differ from those of insurance clients, whose rates are generally discounted.
To receive information on our delivery rates, please contact customercare@nhl.co.ug. You shall receive a response within 48 hours.

Q: What is the difference between an In-house Specialist and a Consultant?

A: Consultants and Specialists are both doctors who are specialized in the same field. Consultants are more seasoned than specialists, however both are very well qualified. Some specialists are also employed by the hospital, whereas consultants are self-employed doctors. Consultant doctors, due to their extensive years of experience, will therefore typically charge different rates from specialists doctors.

Q: Do you have a liver specialist?

A: Yes we do have a liver specialist and to make an appointment with one please call:
0706 346222 OR 0312 531400; or send us an email on booking@nhl.co.ug

Q: How long does the discharge process take and why?

A: The discharge process takes on average two (2) hours. After the doctor has discharged the patient, the file is then reviewed by the nursing staff, pharmacy, lab and any other service centre, and eventually by the billing staff to ensure all services have been captured from the file. At the end of this process, a final bill is presented to the patient for payment after which they are free to leave. The nursing staff always provide medication on ward.
For patients who are under insurance, a final bill is then sent to the insurance company prior to you leaving the hospital and a guarantee of payment is sent in relation to the final bill. It should be noted that in some instances, insurance companies will take some time to send through this guarantee of payment thus causing further delay to the patient.

Q: What are the visiting hours?

A: Visiting hours are: 6:00AM-8:00AM, 12NOON – 2:00PM, and 6:00PM-8:00PM.

Q: Do you have a dental clinic?


Yes we have a dental center called Donau Dental Center. It is located on the 2nd floor of the  main hospital building.  This centre has two resident dental surgeons and one dentist. There are also two visiting oral maxillofacial surgeons from Germany once every quarter of the year.

Their opening hours are:
·    Monday-Friday: 8:30AM-5:00PM
·    Saturday and Public Holidays: 9:00AM-2:00PM.

For appointments please call 0414664790 or 0312 531400

Q: Why is visiting the dentist so important?

A:Visiting the dentist on a regular, monthly basis will not only help keep your teeth and oral health in tact. It will also help keep the rest of your body healthy.
Dental care is important because it:

Q: Why is visiting the dentist so important?

A: You may feel fine and think that your oral health is at no risk. But the thing is, that only a professional dentist can detect dental problems on early stages. This might happen only during a regular dental checkup. Caries, food staining, gums problems and teeth weakening are just a few such issues that can go unnoticed for quite a while. Also, you need to take advantage of all the modern dental medicine to fix any issues you did not fix earlier (like broken, chipped teeth etc…).

Q: Why is visiting the dentist so important?

Q: At what age should I start taking my child to see the dentist?

A: We recommend you start taking kids as young as 5 years old to a regular dental healthcare checkups

Q: When should I change my toothbrush?

A: It is highly recommended to change your toothbrush once in every month! That’s based on what a majority of American dental institutions and numerous researches strongly suggest.
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