Stress and Heart Disease: What’s the Link?

Stress can undermine your health, potentially impacting high blood pressure, susceptibility to illness, abuse of drugs or alcohol, less able to fight disease, and increasing the likelihood of depression. Most people experience some level of stress but there are ways to prevent it from becoming overwhelming.

Here is what you need to know:

  • 75% of us experience stress
  • 32 % men and 51% of women say they have stayed awake at night due to stress in the past month. 
  • Parents report higher than average stress levels than non – parents.

Effects of Stress to Your Body

  1. Depression
  2. High Blood Pressure
  3. Substance abuse
  4. Less resistance to diseases.

Stress is not good. Everyone experiences it. That’s why its important to manage stress at higher levels.

Julius K

Stress Management Tactics

  • Do yoga
  • Meditate
  • Go for a walk
  • Try deep breathing

How to Relieve Stress

Identify the cause

Once you know where your stress is coming from—you can do something to reduce or prevent the stress by identifying practical steps to improve the situation. Change or swift perspective may help reduce or remove stress. For example, if a friend is pushing your guts, stepping back and adjusting your expectations may allow you to keep.

Stay connected

Maintaining, improving, and increasing healthy relationships with supportive friends and family can promotes resilience. 

Stay active.

Exercise releases feel-good endorphins.  Exercising or joining yoga, dance classes with friends also helps you relax.

Plan your fun.

To prevent the daily rush from consuming your life, plan your fun for the day, week, month, or year. This helps a lot.

Reframe from thinking about stress itself.

Avoid adding stress to stress by over talking about. Create the feel good factor or simply smile it off.

Recognize Stress Sneaking In& You Cant Manage?

Stress can increase inflammation in your body, which in turn is linked to factors that can harm your heart, such as high blood pressure and lower “good” HDL cholesterol, 

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